About Us


About Arbor Tree Feeding Experts

Arbor Tree Feeding Experts Been in business in Phoenix since 1994 and is a member of the Better Business Bureau (BBB) and International Society of Arboriculture (ISA)

Unlike other tree trimming services Arbor Tree Feeding Experts believes in having Certified Arborist at every service call to ensure the proper care is giving to your trees and shrubs. Arbor Tree Feeding Experts believes in participating in education programs on products and services to help provide the best care to your trees and shrubs.

We have received extensive training in Compost Tea; a treatment that has a high microbial activity that lowers achamicity in soils. This treatment help trees and shrubs to absorb nutrients and water up to 700% better.

    Pruning Techniques

    Arborists use several different techniques of pruning, depending on the objectives. The most common include crown cleaning, thinning, reduction, restoration, and raising. A few special pruning techniques are used in specific circumstances. The method employed depends on the condition and size of the tree and the wishes of the client.

    Crown cleaning is the selective removal of dead, diseased, broken, or weakly attached branches from a tree crown. This is the most common pruning technique for landscape trees. Regular pruning should correct small growth problems before they have a chance to become large problems.

    Crown thinning includes crown cleaning as well as selective removal of branches to increase light penetration and air movement through the crown, and reduce weight Increased light and air stimulates and maintains interior foliage. Thinning toward the tips of a branch can reduce the wind-sail effect of foliar clumps in the crown, and relieve the weight of heavy limbs. Proper thinning should maintain the structural beauty and retain the tree’s natural shape. Care must be taken not to over-thin a tree. Clearing out too much inner foliage can have adverse effects on the tree and should be avoided. Vigorous production of watersprouts on interior limbs is often a sign of over-thinning.

    When thinning laterals from a limb, an effort should be made to maintain well-spaced inner lateral branches to achieve even distribution of foliage along the branch. Caution must be taken not to create an effect known a lion tailing, which is caused by removing an excessive number of inner laterals and foliage.

    Arborists must understand the biology of trees and their basic requirements in order to optimize the health and structure of trees through pruning. Pruning cuts must be made with an understanding of how the tree will respond to the cut. Improper pruning can cause damage that remains for the life of the tree. “Call Arbor Tree Feeding Experts for a free evaluation of your trees. We provide proper pruning to promote healthy trees. Call now: (480) 528-9486

    Structural Pruning of Young Trees

    If young trees are “trained” or pruned to promote good structure, they will likely remain serviceable in the landscape for more years than trees that have not been so pruned. Defects cam be removed, a single, dominant leader can be selected, and branches can be well spaced along the main trunk. These trees have a lower potential for structural failure at maturity and require less maintenance later on.

    Reasons to Fertilize Your Trees

    Trees require certain essential elements to function and grow. An essential element is a chemical element that is involved in the metabolism of the tree or necessary for the tree to complete its life cycle. For trees growing in a forest site, these elements are usually present in sufficient quantities in the soil. Landscape trees or urban trees, however, may be growing in soils that do not contain sufficient available elements for satisfactory growth and development. Leaves and other plants parts are regularly raked up and removed, disrupting nutrient cycling and the deposition of organic matter back into the soil. In addition, the population and activity of the microorganisms that helps to break down materials and release elements and often decreased. It may be necessary to fertilize or the adjust the soil pH to increase available elements. Fertilizing a tree with nitrogen can increase growth, reduce susceptibility to certain diseases and pests, and can, under certain circumstances, help reverse declining health. However, if the fertilizer is not applied wisely, it may not benefit the tree at all – and may adversely affect the tree. “Call Tree Workers of Phoenix for a free evaluation of your trees’ health. 480-528-TREE, Call Now or send us an email info@arbortreefeedingexperts.com.

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