Six Benefits of Trees You Didn’t Know

Despite how much they enrich our lives, trees and their many benefits tend to go unnoticed. In this post, we will share the tree benefits you may not know about, highlighting the importance of professional tree health care in Phoenix, AZ.

Keep reading to learn about the six lesser-known tree benefits.

1. They Improve Our Physical and Mental Health

Trees play a crucial role in enhancing human health. They can improve our physical well-being. One study found that post-op patients with a view of trees had shorter hospital stays than those with a view of a brick wall.

Trees also aid our mental health. Therapists have begun recommending getting out in nature as an antidote to attention deficit disorders and depression.

This practice is far from new. For centuries, many have used the Japanese practice of forest bathing to manage stress. This practice involves taking walks or hikes in the woods and reconnecting with nature.

2. They Can Bolster the Local Economy

Though money doesn’t actually grow on them, trees offer several economic benefits.

Studies show that business districts with trees populating their streetscapes are more attractive to potential customers. Additionally, shoppers are more likely to have positive shopping experiences on streets lined with trees. Some are even more willing to stay longer or travel long distances to get there.

3. They Clean Water

The environmental benefits trees offer are well-documented. Still, they have a few other eco-friendly advantages that many people might not know.

Did you know trees clean water? The trees in our forests play a crucial role in the water filtering process. According to a USDA Forest Service study, wooded areas prevent chemicals and sediment from running into streams.

If that benefit wasn’t enough, these trees also store almost two-thirds of the nation’s clean water supply.

4. They Control Flooding

With trees able to prevent sediment runoff and retain a significant amount of water, they also limit flooding.

5. They Manage Temperatures

A tree’s shade and wind-shielding capabilities play a crucial role in controlling temperatures. By providing your home with shade, trees can help keep its temperatures at an ideal range. Since most tree species shed their leaves in the fall, the sun can reach your home during the year’s cooler months.

6. Trees Increase Property Value

Never underestimate how the benefits of trees to your property’s overall value. A lawn full of trees can make your home more desirable, translating into a higher resale value.

On average, the presence of trees on your property can increase its value by up to 10%.

The Importance of Professional Tree Care

As advantageous as trees are, tree health is key to enjoying all their benefits. A home with healthy, well-maintained, and strategically located trees will be more valuable than one with sickly, dead, or dying trees.

A sick or dying mature tree can cause several problems, from safety risks to pests to diseases. Opting for professional tree care is an effective solution to all those issues.

The Best Tree Services in Phoenix, AZ

Are you searching for the best tree health care services in Phoenix, AZ? Get in touch with Arbor Tree Feeding Experts today.

When you call us, we pair you with our professional arborists who have the expertise and tools to help your trees thrive.

Reach out to Arbor Tree Feeding Experts today at (480) 528-9486. Let our skilled arborists help you fully tap into the benefits of trees. We can also help you learn the signs of a healthy tree and what to do when your tree becomes diseased.

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