Tree Disease Diagnosis & Treatment Phoenix AZ

Tree Disease Diagnosis & Treatment, Phoenix, AZ

When you need the proper tree disease diagnosis and treatment in Phoenix, AZ, our Arbor Tree Feeding Experts team can help. Call us today at 480-528-9486! 

Trees contribute to a higher quality of life for many people. However, sick or dying individual trees can cause you stress as well as property damage. Besides looking unsightly, a dying or sick tree can also become a hotspot for pests. Maintaining healthy trees starts with a regular tree disease diagnosis.

At Arbor Tree Feeding Experts, our ISA-certified arborists have the tools and knowledge to diagnose and provide the proper tree disease treatment solutions. Our hassle-free process pairs excellent service alongside clear communication and affordable costs.

Tree Disease Recognition Signs and Symptoms

Various tree diseases can range from fungal disease and tree blight to specific illnesses that affect certain species of trees. Trees can even suffer from cancer-like tumors caused by the uncontrolled growth of plant cells.

Unfortunately, tree disease recognition is a challenge for many homeowners. For example, it’s not uncommon for a healthy, well-pruned tree to have occasional dead branches or discolored leaves.

However, when a tree owner starts noticing more dead branches and discolored leaves than usual, this might indicate they have a sick tree. Other signs may include:

  • The tree gets fuzzy-looking patches—showing mold or fungal growth
  • The tree is starting to lean
  • Mushrooms are growing around the tree
  • Blemishes appear on the tree’s bark, leaves, or fruit
  • Harmful pests are invading the tree
  • Sap is oozing from a tree’s cankers or wounds

What Causes Tree Diseases?

Various factors can trigger a tree to contract a disease, bacterial, or fungal infection. While a homeowner can’t always prevent a tree from getting sick or dying, some common tree-care mistakes can lead to disease, such as:

  • Improper trimming and pruning: If left on their own, a tree’s branches start to grow too big, causing property damage. To combat this issue, homeowners often prune their trees. However, the wrong techniques can trigger stress and weaken a tree.
  • The wrong soil or fertilizer around the tree: Different trees prefer different types of soil and fertilizer. Phoenix has mostly clay but your tree may need sandy soils, for example.
  • Parasitic plants or other pests nearby: Parasitic plants, other diseased trees, and harmful insects like aphids, spider mites, and different borers can trigger tree infections.
  • The time of year: The current season can also impact a tree’s susceptibility to contracting a disease or illness. For example, conditions often start during spring when a tree is experiencing new growth.
  • Various stresses: Stresses like overcrowding, overwatering a tree, drought, and damage to tree roots or stems can also trigger infections.

Why Should You Hire a Certified Arborist?

For tree disease diagnosis and treatment in Phoenix, AZ, it’s crucial to have an experienced and certified arborist who can quickly diagnose and apply the proper tree disease treatment.

Our ISA-certified arborists at Arbor Tree Feeding Experts have years of experience paired with education. As a result, we can help implement strategies to treat various diseases and infections. We believe tree removal should be the last resort. We will do our best to save your trees.

Our team also knows how crucial preventative measures can be. With proper tree care, you can significantly improve your trees’ health and prevent diseases or infections from springing up in the first place.

For Affordable and Safe Tree Care Services in Phoenix, AZ, Call Us at Arbor Tree Feeding Experts

Unfortunately, trees can suffer from various diseases and infections. However, when you engage us for tree disease diagnosis and treatment in Phoenix, AZ, you can reclaim your trees’ health.

To discover our many tree care services in Phoenix, AZ, call us at Arbor Tree Feeding Experts at 480-528-9486! 

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