Tree Health Care Phoenix AZ

Professional Tree Health Care Phoenix AZ

Looking for the best tree health care in Phoenix, AZ? Schedule an appointment with us at Arbor Tree Feeding Experts by calling 480-528-9486! 

Dealing with a sick or dying tree can be tricky and often requires professional tree services. While trees can live for several decades, improper treatment can quickly lead to a dying or sick tree. Besides attracting pests, dying trees also diminishes a property’s value.

Our family business at Arbor Tree Feeding Experts can provide you with a customized tree care plan. Whether you want to plant new trees or remove those growing too close to your buildings, our team provides superior services. We can also schedule regular tree care maintenance sessions.

Our Many Tree Care Services

Our ISA-certified arborists can provide different services to help boost your trees’ health and appearance. Some of our services include:

Tree Planting

Before deciding to plant a tree, you’ll want to consult with our expert team. We can help you decide what trees will work the best for your property’s environment and soil type.

Tree Trimming and Pruning

Tree trimming and pruning can significantly improve your trees’ health and appearance. Unfortunately, sometimes homeowners trim their trees incorrectly with tree trimming and pruning techniques that can lead to a sick or dying tree. We know how to prune each type of tree to achieve maximum health.

Tree Removal

Our team prefers saving or relocating a tree, but sometimes tree removal is the only option. Some examples of when you may need to remove a tree include:

  • A tree that is diseased or dead and won’t benefit from treatment
  • A tree that’s suffered extreme burns and can’t be saved
  • A tree that’s growing too close to your home or structure
  • The tree with a root system affecting your home’s foundation

We can remove trees of any size while complying with the necessary local regulations. Cutting down a tree yourself can present several safety risks, so let our team handle the often-dangerous work.

Tree Disease Diagnosis and Treatment

Providing the best tree health care in Phoenix, AZ, means being able to identify and treat tree diseases. Treat diseases can arise from various sources, including fungal and bacterial infections. Failure to treat diseased or sick trees can result in issues like:

  • Infections spreading to other trees and shrubs
  • The sick or dying tree attracting harmful pests
  • A decrease in your property’s curb appeal

24/7 Emergency Tree Services

While trees provide many benefits, they can also cause hazards, especially during massive storms. For example, lightning can split a tree or cause it to start leaning, jeopardizing your home.

Our team is available 24/7 to handle emergency tree health care in Phoenix, AZ.

Preventative Measures

The best way to take care of your tree’s health is through preventative measures. For example, we can apply deep root fertilization twice a year, boosting your tree’s root system and safeguarding it from diseases and pests. To protect your trees from lightning strikes, we can install the best lightning protection set-ups to reroute lightning bolts away from your precious trees.

Let Our Expert and Reliable Arbor Tree Feeding Experts Keep Your Trees Healthy Today

We love our trees for their ability to bring fresh air, shade, the occasional fruits, and protection from extreme weather. Additionally, a well-trimmed or pruned tree can extensively boost your home’s or business’s property value. Unfortunately, a sick or dying tree can cause many problems.

For tree health care in Phoenix, AZ, call us to ensure that your trees receive the attention they deserve. Our team brings many years of experience plus extreme attention to detail to every job we tackle.

For the best tree health care in Phoenix, AZ, give us a call at Arbor Tree Feeding Experts at 480-528-9486! 

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